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Flipper is built on adapters for maximum flexibility. Regardless of what data store you are using, Flipper can performantly store data in it.

Storage adapters are local to your application, so you'll always have blazing fast feature checks that are always in sync and available—even if Flipper Cloud isn't for some reason.

Officially Supported

Pick one of our supported adapters and follow the installation instructions:

Storage You definitely need one of these.
ActiveRecord Production Rails apps
Moneta Production Ruby apps already using Moneta
Mongo Production Ruby apps already using Mongo
Redis Production Ruby apps already using Redis
Sequel Production Ruby apps already using Sequel
Cache Reduce calls to storage to speed things up.
ActiveSupportCacheStore Production Rails apps with aggressive caching needs
Dalli Production Ruby apps already using Dalli
Redis Cache Production Rails apps with aggressive caching needs
Extras Additional functionality to complement primary adapters.
ActorLimit Limits the number of actors that can be enabled for a feature (default: 100)
Failover Increasing reliability by failing over to a secondary adapter if primary is unavailable
Failsafe Graceful failures when an exception is raised
Instrumented Instrumenting all adapter operations with ActiveSupport::Notifications
Read Only Preventing writes from a Production console
Strict Raising an error if an unrecognized flag is used
Internal You probably dont need these but here they are.
Dual Write Read from one adapter but write to two (used by Cloud)
Memoizable Prevent subsquent calls to an adapter for the same feature (used by memoizing middleware)
Memory Testing Environments
Operation Logger Stores all adapter operations in memory for verification in tests
Poll Polls for changes from a remote adapter in a background thread but updates local adapter in main thread (used by Cloud)
Sync Keeping two adapters in sync (bits are used in Cloud)
Niche Highly specialized adapters outside of day-to-day usage.
HTTP Connecting to Flipper::Api
PStore When a local file is enough or you need something that works with multiple processes like some system tests
Rollout Migrating from Rollout to Flipper

JavaScript in Rails

In addition to the standard adapters, we wrote a blog post about client-side flags with recommendations and examples of how to expose feature flags to client-side code in Rails apps.'

Create a new adapter

Don't see an adapter that suits your needs? You can create your own. We even provide automatic (rspec and minitest) tests for you, so you know you've built your custom adapter correctly.

Swapping Adapters

If you find yourself using one adapter and would like to swap to another, you can do that! Flipper adapters support importing another adapter's data. This will wipe the adapter you are wanting to swap to, if it isn't already clean, so please be careful.

# Say you are using redis...
redis_adapter =
redis_flipper =

# And redis has some stuff enabled...
redis_flipper.enable_percentage_of_time(:verbose_logging, 5)
redis_flipper.enable_percentage_of_actors(:new_feature, 5)
redis_flipper.enable_group(:request_tracing, :staff)

# And you would like to switch to active record...
ar_adapter =
ar_flipper =

# NOTE: This wipes active record clean and copies features/gates from redis into active record.

# active record is now identical to redis.
ar_flipper.features.each do |feature|
  pp feature: feature.key, values: feature.gate_values
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